Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Host Review

There are many reasons why individuals or companies want to hosting reviews change to a new web hosting company. It could be as simple as not enough storage space or bandwidth, or it could be due to customer service, or lack thereof.

Easier said than done transition to a new web hosting company may seem like a daunting task, but should not be so complicated - there are just some things you should remember.

Keep your web hosting account with your computer to open
It is recommended to maintain your current web hosting account hosting reviews active until you have completed the steps shift (new account setup ie transfer, creation of e-mail files and settings, DNS modification and reproduction). This will ensure that your website and email accounts run sector during the transition.

Select the new right web hosting provider
Considerations include:

a) Type of operating system (Windows versus Linux) - it depends on the technologies your website requires. For example, if your website requires specific Microsoft technologies ASP, MSSQL, MSAccess or another, then you need to find a computer with web hosting plan on Windows platform.

b) requirements for disk space and bandwidth

Create a backup of your existing website: download old account files
Ideally, the files must be in the same tree where you want to upload later. Also look for chmod or file that could be put in any folder or file. This is fairly easy and can be reached easily via FTP.

However, some free web hosting providers do not offer FTP access. This is especially true if you're already using a free version of Flash / drag-and-drop website creation service.

1 comment:

  1. As the article suggests, I too chose my web host TuckTail.Com by reading the user reviews. It was very helpful for me. This web host provides me a top notch hosting service at low cost with 24/7 customer support.
